Is Covid-19 a test for each one of us OR the universal vaccine for change?!

Mihael Yordanov
7 min readApr 28, 2020

My take on the positive changes related to the world pandemic

2020would be probably one of the most crucial, unforgettable years for our humanity in the past 70 years after the WWII. Economic disasters, over 5 billion people around the world quarantined one way or another, over 3 million people are infected directly (4/28/20) and over 210 000 lost souls due to the pandemic so far. F*** I agree those are some terrible and frightening numbers but as I am also into politics and Real Life Game of Thrones we maybe forgot, what was happening just 50 days ago with the world and probably due to all of this I assume a huge part of the world is going through some really tough times not only because of the VIRUS but because WE THE HUMANS brought the pandemic. Don’t get me wrong — I don’t assume or suggest it was crafted in some secret lab but I do think that we all needed a break and just to calm this crazy world down. Why I am saying this? This is my personal view on just some of the issues that we are facing and now we are just not mentioning every day. Those issues are still here just we have more important news as we prioritize from what is scared the elite.

The last 3 years WE THE HUMANS completely changed the #game of the world and we pushed further than ever before — politics, economics, ecology, technology, wars, nuclear threats, fires, hunger, assaults, violation of basic human rights and that’s just a small piece of what we know and probably heard /seen on the TV.

Our world has rarely been more involved in so many tragedies at the same time threatening so many people all over the globe through different international conflicts and YES I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE C-19 VIRUS. We forgot and just adapted to see tragedy. We can’t hear, scream or help the endangered spices animals, nor the ecology WE ARE PATHETIC because we couldn’t even help our own human kind that is living worse than ever. We have a society so desperate to earn, gain, use and consume and on the other hand we have millions of our kind living in poverty, without shelter and not sure if they will eat. Scared families facing bomb attacks, mass murders, rapes and of course powerful bold politicians playing with buttons, rockets and showing the greatest power. Society trying to rule over it’s own kind, to show that we are just luckier and more powerful — SO SATISFYING . YES YES YES we completely lost the touch with our own world and our own kind but who cares, right?! Are we all so evil and aggressive? Do we really forgot that just 2 months ago the world was covered in blood from our own kind, that religious and political views were over and more important than the most amazing creature walking on this earth — THE HUMAN. Again who cares? We should damn it because someone just like you and me but without the 1000$ phone, without the sports car or the fancy mansion, without the white teeth smile and with no chance for a better future, because for many the future could be only limited to tomorrow. I am not blaming the rich, neither I am tolerating the poor but we all need to look around, pen our eyes and see that we changed the world and we carry the responsibility — EACH ONE OF US.

No exception, no excuses and not really able to carry or admit the shame.

We ignored basic rules in our own game and we violated OUR OWN human rights that have been built for centuries and that have been sacrificed by OTHER HUMANS that have been suffered even more cruelty so we could be the:

NEXT BETTER STRONGER GENERATION BUT ARE WE REALLY?! Did we learn from the mistakes of our parents or the previous generations?

We are planning to go to Mars but we can’t figure out how to feed and give water to several millions of hungry, thirsty kids, how to reduce our own pollution, how to be kind and how to see a little bit further than our own doors. We own and we are the next generation technology, and Thank God there are many extremely smart and intelligent people, also many generous and kind people but at the same time we have more than ever people struggling to feed, to have a roof over their heads and constantly scared that they will be killed because of their skin color, race, language, beliefs, location they were born, sex or who they love — what do you really care SERIOUSLY?! Are really all of those differences between us more problematic than all the similarities we share. Tables turns usually when we began to forget who we were and how we started.

Spread #love and #kindness

Just couple of weeks ago we realized that our lives are in danger, that we might get sick and we might not get a respirator or receive medical help and we panicked, we shut down. Imagine that we live with that fear every SINGLE day of our life. Imagine that not a virus but a weapon for mass destruction can kill your entire family, that you could not have access to water or food. If this was the case we won’t even bother with respirators. Yes this is 2020 and yes this is more real than ever. There are people running, drawing trying to escape wars, hate crimes, extreme poverty BUT WE CAN’T unfortunately put ourselves in their shoes — because we say — THAT’S HOW LIFE GOES. We can’t imagine that tomorrow we could be those miserable people and that we have been downgraded to a lower class with less possessions just because of circumstances. I don’t believe in the natural selection as I do believe that we are more than the animals, that we are changing the world for good not for superiority. Naturally we were selected to be more intelligent kind in our world but we don’t care. That’s OK. You will be OK most likely tomorrow but just for a second imagine your are not.

At the end we regret only for the chances we didn’t take

What about the virus?!

I hate, we HATE the virus, the quarantine, the fear that I might be sick or that might infect someone that I love or someone that I don’t know — it frightens me. I do think though that we do carry the same responsibility by ignoring the less fortunate, the ones in need and that we can all use a “magical vaccine” that we all carry in our hearts for a better tomorrow that will change someones life. We can of course have all the luxury items we want, we can enjoy the gifts of life to the max but we could also help to balance our confused world. It doesn’t take a lot — most of the times it doesn’t take anything! I’m not Mother Theresa and maybe you are not too but we don’t have to be so we could appreciate our own kind.

I don’t want a nuclear war between any countries — I don’t want nuclear weapons at all, I don’t want migrating people running to save their lives and their families, I don’t want to see people sleeping on the streets but this is our reality and I am aware of it and I think that we have plenty of time RIGHT NOW to change the ignorance that we carry. I ALSO HAVE IT — I HATE IT AND WE ALL NEED A FIRST STEP! That’s why sometimes we need reminders to realize that we don’t have magical insurances and that we can’t hide behind our high walls.

Yes the world will be different probably after this virus and the news about the corona are driving me crazy and I suffer over every human and family that was affected by the virus BUT AT THE SAME TIME I am relieved somehow that I don’t read tweets about power and abuse, news about cruelty and ignorance and that I don’t see every day reports on bombarded cities over the TV. I don’t see mass shootings and not seeing it doesn’t mean that it disappeared but I am confident that right now many vulnerable people are feeling good just because their life destroyers are quarantined and the ones that are not willing to even help are also behind tall walls scared.

When you don’t have anything — you definitely don’t wanna see how someone has everything.

The Middle East, Africa, South and North America, Europe, Asia, Australia we all face the same challenges because we are the people of this world and it’s only up to us, not only to conquer the virus but to overcome the gap between the classes that is so wide that we can’t see the other end and we often forget about it. I guess I needed to share as many others do. I think that the virus could be a start of a new world order that will make us THE HUMANS better not bitter. If you read this most likely you are one blessed, fortunate person and you just need to do couple of things that will make you feel good and will make the ones around you feel better:

Call your family and tell them that you love them — you might not have the chance later. Do it now!

Don’t ignore the hand asking for help — let’s not judge as we don’t know the story behind the person struggling and we don’t like to be judged!

Try to make a small change every week or every month or every year or whenever— Let’s NOT make the world a better place! WE NEED TO MAKE THE WORLD LESS WORSE PLACE

Smile to a stranger and say thank you to the person serving you. Ask someone if they need help and if you can help — do it!

Share just one small piece of what you don’t need — it will be a treasure for someone that needs it desperately!

Covid-19 could be the universal cure for a better mankind but it’s up to every each one of us.

Tomorrow could be better or could be worse — do your best today!



Mihael Yordanov

Living like a Superhero meanwhile overseeing the Enterprise Sales Services Team @vivacom 🤙🏻 Expressing my views on the topics I care. Live, love and laugh ❤️